Magnolia House Dental Practice

Dr Abbas Visanji

BDS(Lond), MSc(Manc)
GDC No: 194792

Dentist / Practice Owner

Abbas graduated in 2010 from St Bart’s and the Royal London Hospital, before going on to gain a master’s degree from the University of Manchester in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry.

Here he further developed his skills and knowledge in crowns, veneers, teeth whitening and full mouth smile makeovers.

He has keen interest and expertise in orthodontics as well as all aspects of cosmetic dentistry. Abbas has undertaken many cases using the discreet Quick Straight Teeth (QST) system, which involves complex tooth movement using ceramic brackets and white wires.

Abbas’s ethos is to improve the appearance and function of teeth whilst preserving tooth tissue in a caring and relaxed manner.

Patient satisfaction


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